How far do you want to go?
- there is always more ..
The Bodymind Way
When I teach people who are new to the Bodymind way, I tell them how I see the human race:
With our feet firmly grounded on the Earth – our physical reality -
and our heads reaching up towards the sky -
we are able to integrate the two worlds – the visible and the ”invisible” - in our body.
I also tell them what I believe - that the next stage in our human evolution must happen through our body. It is within each of us that a Paradigm Shift can occur if we dare to meet ourselves at a deep level. We must learn to come ”from the inside out” in order to increase our consciousness, because it is deep within ourselves that we have all the wisdom we need in order to reach our full potential as a human being.
There is new information and new science now which is very different to what most of us have been brought up to believe and think. The old ways of thinking with set values and beliefs have made it difficult to think ”outside of the box”, but when we come from ”the inside” we experience these new ways of thinking, because it has been in us all the time – just partly closed down.
So this is what we need to consciously change – some of the values, beliefs and attitudes that we were brought up to believe was "the Truth" - and this is the Paradigm Shift that we need to make.
The goal is the same for all of us, and each of us must find our own way. And we are not going to find our own way ”out there”. We can take all the information and inspiration and support we find out there, but we must pass it through our own senses and discernment in order to know and acknowledge what is right for us.
And how will we know what is ”right for us”? Well, if our body has all the answers then it must be merely a question of listening to that very intelligent body. We need to stop up and listen – and ask – and be willing to cooperate with our body.
The code-word is awareness
We must be aware of what we experience in order to be able to use this knowledge in our life. And in order to become aware we need to ”be in the now” – so that we can sense and feel everything that happens. If we don’t know what we feel, all our insights will only be intellectual – and will seldom match reality. When we learn to expand our senses and feel more, we will become more and experience more freedom because we will know what is right and not right for us.
When we learn to cooperate with our body, we can also begin to talk to our cells (even our stemcells!) and tell our body what we want from it. And we must remember to listen again to hear whether what we ask for will be good for us or not! And again feel it – does what we want from our body really feel ”right” – or not? Is it maybe just our ambition that wants whatever we are asking for? Or our fear and insecurity?
As long as we don’t know what we are doing we have no other choice than to keep on doing what we have always done – and we will keep on getting the results we have always been getting – even if it is not good for us.
We must learn to feel and understand what happens in our body so we can use that knowledge to get to where we want to get. This will also take us to our own Inner Music – the deep part of us that knows our unique ability – all the potentials we didn’t even know were there - so we can start using all of that in the world.
So how do we start ?
Well, we can start with the ”Bodymind Exercises” that you will find in the Menu.
The Bodymind exercises are not like Fitness exercises. When we work out at a gym we come from the outside – we want our body to do something specific. And that’s great if we just want to be more fit.
Bodymind exercises go deeper because they are experiential – we feel what is happening in us at a deep level – and these exercises can therefore release feelings and emotions that have been stored in our body, sometimes for a very long time. Whatever comes up is ready to come out - so we stay with whatever feeling arises until it changes. When this happens, we often get valuable insights that help us to shift old patterns that are no longer useful.
Without insights and awareness we can keep feeling the same things over and over again, so we just set up a circuit that could go on forever. We need to shift that pattern by becoming aware, or we can end up thinking what we feel and feel what we think!
Working with Bodymind is self-empowering and self-supportive. Once we catch on to the ”being in the now” and being aware of what happens in our body we can do it all ourself, and we no longer need external therapeutic assistance. And as a bonus, our deep feelings of self-worth and belief in ourself will stay with us forever.
The Global Perspective:
Almost 20 years ago, getting close to this millenium, I learnt about the ancient people, the Essenes, and the wisdom that they held. They said that every 2000 years a new energy comes into our World. In the year zero BC the message was ”Love one another” – and it has taken us more than 2000 years to quite encompass that message, to put it mildly! At the change of the millemium year 2000, the new message would be ”We are all one”. This is the message we are being asked to live right now, and to me that sounds pretty global!
So how do we become ”Global”?
And how do we as a species raise our consciousness to this level??
I don’t know. The best answer I can come up with is stating some facts that I do believe are true:
- Deep within we all know what is ”right” for us in every situation we meet.
So deep within lives our ”global consciousness”.
- Whenever we meet someone in need, we know what our heart wants to do.
We also know that we don’t always follow our heart. So what holds us back?
My guess is insecurity, which is always fear-based. And any time we stop because of insecurity and fear, the best thing we can then do is to acknowledge the fear and accept it. That way at least we are aware of what is going on inside of us – and we need that awareness to allow the fear to change at a deep level.
So we start at home - with our personal self - and our relations to all other people will automatically change.
When we ”come from the inside” we are in a different frequency where we can see everything around us differently. This creates a new understanding - a felt understanding - of other people and situations, and we develop more compassion, which is much needed in this world. And this is not going to come from our heads – our head is needed to work out how to ”fix” the things we in our hearts know are needed for all of humanity!
We now know that each of us affects everything and everybody else – and each of us must take responsibility for eachother and everything else on Earth.
That is Global Awareness.